When it comes to muscular, classic V2 Cruisers, we followed our inner compass. Accordingly, we have sought the vast, open spaces around the Wasserkuppe, the Holy Mountain of aviation. This is where power meets glory and longing. It is the pure doctrine of delightfully celebrated driving, taking off with traction.
White fluffy clouds in the sky, motionless like cotton balls. The sky shines an impossible blue and you don your darkest sunglasses. From inside your jet helmet, you smell freshly mown hay, and catch a glimpse of a red kite circling endlessly above you. Your mind is set free, you feel complete, you’re under the spell of a fascinating propulsion. Gliding away with a powerful engine. Moto Guzzi Audace, Triumph Thunderbird Commander, and Victory Hammer S seem the perfect match for the lovely winding Rhön region, the “land of open distances”, and the cradle of modern aviation.
Mankind has long sought to overcome time and space, shake off limitations, and leave all earthly ties behind – we’ve dreamt of weightless fly at least since Icarus. Here, on the 950 meter high Wasserkuppe in the Fulda district, this dream came true. In 1911, the first home-built glider took to the skies from this very spot. Established in 1924, this is the oldest flight school in the world, and its airfield the highest in Germany. It creates a fitting setting for our three two-wheeled road cruisers – time to embark on a motorcycling experience akin to flying on earth. These machines and their low-frequency roaring engines embody man’s longing for freedom. 4.8 litres on six cylinders! The feeling of vastness and freedom travels always with you.